Rethinking potassium fertilizers
We developed an entirely new class of chloride-free potassium (K) fertilizers designed to supply plants with nutrients over their entire growth cycle, while also increasing soil quality year by year.

More than just a potassium fertilizer
Our chloride-free products are suitable for all crops.
Multi-staged Release
Our K fertilizers deliver nutrients to crops over their whole growth cycle allowing for immediate and long-term nutrient uptake.
Revitalization of Soil
Our products improve the soil nutrient reservoir and fertility and also increase the cation-exchange capacity (CEC) and soil pH.
Tailored and Organic Product
We can customize our products for different applications and markets. We also offer an organic solution called NPF (natural potassium fertilizer) produced through a milling process.
Other Nutrients and Water Retention
Our K fertilizers offer additional benefits such as supply of silicon which increases the biotic and abiotic stresses resistance, and water holding capacity.
Microorganisms Compatibility
Our products promote a conducive environment for microorganisms.
No Harmful Elements
Our products do not add any harmful elements to plants or the environment, even if applied in excess, and there are no byproducts or waste from our production process.
We rethought the entire approach
We start with an abundant and geographically distributed resource: K feldspars. Our proprietary and innovative methodology of locating these resources allows us to successfully identify K feldspar-rich deposits around the globe.
We then apply our patented process to transform K feldspar-rich rocks into a K fertilizer that we call HydroPotash, with no by-products or waste. This process produces mineral phases that enhance the quality of the soil.
In addition, our proprietary methodology combined with our extensive knowledge of our source material allowed us to identify rare deposits, which can be used as direct application K fertilizer (NPF).

We apply our proprietary methodology and extensive knowledge of our globally distributed source material to locate high-quality K-rich rocks effectively representing over 100 years of supply.

Our patented technology essentially accelerates natural weathering processes and enables us to tailor our product to the needs of the end user.

Our products have excelled in both greenhouse and field trials under different climate conditions, soils and crops. We have partnered with world-renowned leaders in agronomic research, as well as relevant farming groups, and these collaborations allow us to dynamically improve and tailor our products.
Innovative, efficient, locally sourced, and sustainable
We want to nourish soils with high-quality potassium fertilizers produced from a globally distributed resource
The global population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050. Food security is one of the greatest global challenges of our time and access to fertilizers is an essential part of the solution.
APT is tackling the food security challenge by offering next generation and innovative K fertilizers accessible around the world. Our locally produced K fertilizers will eliminate import-dependency of many agricultural countries and change the way growers think of K fertilizers. We will use our technology to produce customized products focused on meeting the specific demands of different soils, crops, and markets. Farmers around the world, from smallholder to large-scale and from traditional to organic farms, will now have access to fertilizers that not only contribute to essential plant nutrition but also enhance soil quality.